What is the MIND Diet?

The MIND diet is a dietary pattern associated with improved cognition, memory, and brain health. Some studies have shown that it may reduce the risk for cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease.

Nutrients such as B-vitamins, phytochemicals with antioxidant properties, and omega-3 fatty acids are all vital for brain health, and they are all featured in the foods that make up the MIND diet.

The MIND diet combines the most brain-healthy foods from the Mediterranean and the DASH diets, which are diets that improve heart health and reduce hypertension. MIND stands for the “Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay”.

Following the MIND Diet

The MIND diet is not a restrictive diet, rather, it is a dietary pattern, in which all foods can be eaten in moderation. To follow this diet:

  • Eat more of the 10 foods that are associated with improved brain health: berries, nuts, leafy greens, other vegetables, whole grains, beans, fish, poultry, olive oil, and one serving of wine a day.
  • Eat less of the 5 foods that have been associated with worse brain health: pastries & sweets, fast & fried foods, red meat, cheese, and butter.

Feed your brain, and choose some foods from the MIND diet today!

10 Foods to eat more of:

Berries: at least two servings per week. Servings = 1 cup.
Nuts: at least five servings per week. Serving = 1 oz.
Leafy Greens: at least six servings per week. Serving = 1 cup cooked, 2 cups raw.
Other Vegetables: at least one serving per day. Serving = 1 cup.
Whole Grains: at least three servings per day. Serving = 1 oz.
Beans: at least three servings per week. Serving = ½ cup.
Fish: at least one serving/week. Serving = 3 oz.
Poultry: at least two servings per week. Serving = 3 oz.
Olive Oil: Use as primary cooking oil.
Wine: One 5 oz glass per day.

5 Foods to eat less of:

Pastries/Sweets: Fewer than five servings per week.
Fast & Fried Food: Less than once per week.
Red Meat: Fewer than four servings per week.
Cheese: Less than one serving per week.
Butter: Less than one TBSP per day.