Tag: salt

pinto beans in bowl
Cooking Under Pressure Series, Food, Foods and Beverages, High Elevation Food Preparation & Preservation, Preparing Beans, Shopping, Budgeting & Preparing

Cooking Beans at High Elevation Using an Electric Pressure Cooker

To Salt or Not to Salt Cooking recommendations vary regarding the addition of salt when pre-soaking beans before cooking. A state-wide team from Colorado State University Extension tested a new 12-24 hour salted water pre-soak method using electric pressure cookers at a variety of locations and elevations and found the […]


Food Preservation Without Sugar or Salt

by P. Kendall* (10/12) Quick Facts… All fruits can safely be canned or frozen without sugar. Sweet relish and pickle recipes do not adapt as well to sugar-free canning as do plain fruits. Use recipes from reliable sources. Process all pickles by the boiling-water method using timetables adjusted for altitude. Jams […]