Increasing Fruits and Vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals as well as many compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Eat a variety of colored vegetables and fruits in your everyday snacks and meals.

Tips to help you reach the recommended two and a half cups of vegetables per day:

Cut up vegetables for the entire week after grocery shopping

  • Add your cut vegetables to a soup, stir fry, or salad for a quick meal.
  • Pack your pre-cut vegetables with a dip for an easy, healthy snack.

Choose frozen vegetables when needed

  • Frozen vegetables are picked and packed at the height of freshness and have the same nutritional value as fresh vegetables.
  • Frozen veggies are a great way to get a variety of colors and flavors anytime of the year.

Add a variety of vegetables to your favorite dinner recipes

  • Making soup? Add in some kale, squash, or tomatoes for a boost of flavor.
  • Add spinach and mushrooms to your preferred marinara recipe.

Tips to get the recommended two cups of fruit per day:

Fruits are an easy ‘grab-and-go’ snack food

  • Bananas, apples, pears, and oranges are great portable snack options.
  • Keep a bowl filled with fruit on the counter; it will remind you to grab fruit as you are leaving.

Fruits are a great dessert

  • Fresh berries are a sweet treat at the end of a meal.
  • Top low fat frozen yogurt with granola and fruit for a healthy alternative to full fat ice cream.

Fruits are an easy add-in at breakfast

  • Top oatmeal or your favorite cereal with fresh fruit, such as berries, sliced banana, or chopped peaches.

Did You Know?

1/4 cup of dried fruit counts as a serving of fruit. Mix your favorites with a handful of nuts for an easy and healthy snack. Keep them in your bag, your desk, or your car for those moments when you need just a little pick me up!