Knowing where, when, and how you are most comfortable being active is important to have the best experience and health outcome.

Is the gym right for you?
If you enjoy being active indoors in a group setting, the gym might be a great place for you to be active. Gym activities generally include lifting weights, stationary workout machines (such as bikes and treadmills), and group fitness classes. If these types of activities appeal to you, the gym might the right setting for your physical activity.
Explore different types of gyms: If you enjoy going to the gym, find a gym that appeals to you. There are many different types of gyms and athletic facilities, such as local YMCA’s, or different types of gyms that specialize in areas such as boxing or strength training. Try researching the options in your area and see what equipment and classes different facilities have to offer.
What you can do indoors at home: There are also plenty of ways to be active in the comfort of your own home. Try a yoga, aerobics, or weight training exercise video. You may also choose to use your own equipment such as a jump rope, yoga mat, hula-hoop, or stability ball.
What you can do outdoors: Some people are most comfortable being active outdoors. To make the most of your experience, find an activity that you enjoy. Try taking a walk in your neighborhood, or finding a trail to run or bike on. If you prefer a group activity, you can play disc golf, soccer, or attend yoga in the park. Let your imagination be your guide for finding ways to be active outside!
Get the most out of your activity by finding a place where you can be comfortable and thrive!
Did You Know?
If you’re feeling intimidated about trying to be active and physically fit, recruit a friend! Adding social support to your routine can you’re your activity more fun and comfortable!