The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend that adults with chronic health conditions and adults with disabilities should move more and sit less. However, any physical activity is better than none, as even five minutes of physical activity has immediate health benefits.

Adults with Chronic Health Conditions and Adults with Disabilities Recommendations
Aim for 150 minutes. Be physically active for 150 minutes to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, or 75 minutes to 150 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity if able to.
Moderate-intensity physical activity includes activities such as a brisk walk, playing tennis or raking the yard.
Vigorous-intensity physical activity includes activities such as running, jogging, carrying heavy groceries upstairs, shoveling snow or participating in a strenuous fitness class.
Don’t forget to strengthen! Incorporate muscle strengthening activities of moderate to greater intensity that involve all major muscle groups two or more days a week if able to.
Engage. If unable to meet key guidelines, engage in regular physical activity according to your abilities and avoid inactivity.
Speak with your doctor. Adults with chronic health conditions and adults with disabilities should be under the care of a health care provider that can help answer questions about physical activity.
Health Benefits
- Brain health benefits, including possible improved cognitive function, reduced anxiety and depression risk, improved sleep and quality of life
- Reduced risk of cancer at a greater number of sites
- Reduced risk of further disease or early death and improved physical function and quality of life for people with various chronic medical conditions
Safety Tips
Physical activity can be safely done by almost everyone. However, adults with chronic health conditions and adults with disabilities should be under the care of a health care provider if they have chronic conditions to see what physical activity would be most appropriate.
Choose activities that fit your level of fitness and health goals. Remember to increase physical activity gradually with low intensity activities and slowly move to more intense activities. Always use appropriate sports and protective equipment to stay safe in your chosen physical activity!