Are you looking for more energy and stamina to fuel you during the workday? Use the following tips listed below to learn how you can snack for success to increase performance, energy, and work satisfaction.

- Plan Ahead. Finding healthful food options at work can sometimes be difficult. Save time and money by shopping and preparing snacks and lunch ahead of time. Plan ahead by making time each week to purchase groceries and prepare lunches to set yourself up for success!
- Choose nutrient-dense foods. While high sugar and sodium snacks may only be a click away in the vending machine, keep in mind that regular consumption of these snacks can contribute to weight gain, high blood pressure and low energy. Instead, try choosing whole foods snacks such as: fruit, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, eggs, lean meats, nuts and seeds. These nutrient-dense foods will provide you with the nutrition you need to feel great and perform your best.
- Stay full with a high-protein snack. Try choosing a high-protein snack. Research shows that a high-protein snack will help you feel full longer and can help support weight regulation. High protein snacks include low sodium lean meats, nuts, seeds, eggs, and low-fat dairy products.
- Drink plenty of water. The Institute of Medicine recommends men drink three liters and women drink 2.2 liters of water each day to stay hydrated and energized. To meet recommendations and feel your best, try drinking out of a 1-liter water bottle and measuring your daily water intake.
- Eat mindfully. Try taking regular breaks from work to eat and recharge. Taking time away from your desk can help you to be more mindful and eat the right amount of food that your body needs.
Make the most of your workday by snacking for success!
For lasting energy try fueling your workday with a high-protein snack:
- Carrot & celery sticks dipped in hummus
- Apple dipped in nut butter
- Sliced low-sodium turkey, whole wheat cracker & avocado
- Greek yogurt, strawberries, kiwi & slivered almonds