Foods and Beverages

Food, Foods and Beverages


Looking for grains to add variety to your meals? Teff could be a great option! This ancient grain has been a staple food in Ethiopia and Eritrea for thousands of years. Why Eat Teff? Teff is a hardy crop that thrives in extreme weather It is high in resistant starch, a […]

Food, Foods and Beverages

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes provide a sweet and nutritional boost to meals. They are high in beta carotene, an antioxidant that has been linked to improved immunity. Versatile and healthy, sweet potatoes are also easy to prepare. Reasons to Enjoy Sweet Potatoes They contain dietary fiber, helping to maintain a healthy digestive […]

Food, Foods and Beverages


Do you know where the sugars you eat come from? Knowing this can help you have a healthy diet! Some foods contain sugars that are naturally occurring, like fruits, vegetables, and dairy. Other foods contain added sugars which are added during processing and are not naturally present in the whole […]