A new year means the possibility of exciting new opportunities! If you’re tired of your workout routine or the same list of groceries, with a little effort you can explore new ways to live, eat, and play for a healthier and happier you in the year to come.

Listed below are tips to help you thrive in the upcoming year, no matter what month or season:
- Keep discovering new ways to play. If you are tired of the same trip to the gym, try something new! There are endless activities that you can explore to help you stay in shape and feel energized in the New Year. Add adventure to your day by getting outside to snowshoe, ski or walk, or grab a friend and try a swing dancing or cycling class. Finding activities that you enjoy will not only make you want to do these activities more often but will also give you something new to look forward to each day! Visit our Physical Activity in Every Season section for more ideas.
- Continue fueling your year with healthy food. Cleanse your pallet and spice up your routine with new and healthy foods. Try exploring cookbooks or recipe websites for new recipe ideas. You can also add a new flair to an old recipe by adding fresh herbs and spices. Not only will you delight your senses, but also boost nutrition. Find cooking tips, healthy recipe ideas, and inspiration in our Foods and Beverages section.
- Maintain a healthy work/life balance. Whether you are a student or working professional, chances are you have a busy lifestyle. To manage stress and feel your best, try planning to take breaks during the day and work week, just as you would plan a meeting. Taking time to refresh will not only increase your energy, but also help you to be more productive. Explore more ways to maintain balance in our Wellness section.
A new year is a new opportunity to feel your best. Make this a great year!
Did You Know?
New Year’s resolutions often do not last beyond the month of January.
Why? Research has shown that restrictive diets or workout routines often do not last because they are difficult to maintain. Aim to explore new ways to live, eat and play in the New Year for lasting success and fulfillment.