What is stress?
Stress is the body’s physical response to being challenged or threatened. Small amounts of stress such as competing in a sporting event or working on a school project can increase productivity. Yet, too much stress can overwhelm our coping abilities, decrease performance, and lower our overall health.

- Short-Term Stress: The fight-or-flight response is a commonly
known bodily reaction to a perceived demand or threat. In human history, a
person faced with danger had two options to survive: either to attack the
threat (fight) or run away (flight). The physical symptoms felt during fight or
flight are similar to those experienced with short-term stress, including
increases in heart rate, breathing rate, muscle tension, blood pressure, and
insulin secretion. Hormones secreted during short-term stress force all bodily
efforts to go toward fighting against the source of stress. - Long-Term Stress: When stress hormones stay in our systems for
too long, efforts that were previously meant for good, can actually harm our
bodies. With constant stressors in our lives such as work deadlines,
relationship issues, and school demands, our bodies can stay in this fight or
flight state longer than they should, leading to long-term stress. Long-term,
or chronic, stress can contribute an array of health problems, including
obesity, heart disease, cancer, and immune system problems. Additionally,
people suffering from chronic stress are at greater risk for mental health,
sleep, and sexual problems and are more likely use and abuse tobacco, alcohol
or other drugs. - Common Causes and Triggers of Stress:
- Physical Environment: bright lights, loud noises,
extreme heat or cold, bad weather, traffic - Social and Relational: aggressiveness in others,
loneliness, lack of social support, conflict - Financial: taxes, bills, unplanned
expenses, increases in financial obligations - Organizational: school or work deadlines,
completing a big task/project/test, school or work culture - Live Events: death of loved one, loss
of job, work promotion, marriage, birth of child - Lifestyle Choices: lack of sleep, poor time
management, poor nutrition, increased drinking - Physiological: poor health, physical
illness, pregnancy, injury
- Physical Environment: bright lights, loud noises,
- Recognizing the Signs of Chronic Stress: Knowing the signs may help
you identify chronic stress before it becomes too much for you or a loved one
to handle. - Physical
- Increased
heart rate - Chest
pains - Muscle
aches and stiffness - High
blood pressure - Headaches
- Indigestion
- Weight
gain or loss - Fatigue
- Frequent
colds or flu - Worsening
of existing illness
- Increased
- Behavioral
- Increased
smoking or drinking - Changes
in eating habits - Changes
in sleeping habits - Nervousness
such as nail biting, fidgeting, etc. - Yelling
and swearing - Increased
- Increased
- Mental/Emotional
- Decreased
memory - Difficulty
making decisions - Inattentiveness
- Loss
of sense of humor - Blank
or racing mind - Anxiety
and worry - Irritability
and anger
- Decreased
Everyone has stress to deal with from time to time, but better understanding your personal triggers and the signs of stress can you help you handle it in a more positive way.
Did You Know?
Healthy eating can make you better able to manage stress when it arises or less vulnerable to the effects of stress.