Tag: freezing


Freezing Food: The Science

Preserving Food Quality, Safety, and Nutrition Freezing is a simple and generally low-cost method of preserving food which can capture the flavor of fruits and vegetables at their peak. Like other methods of preservation, freezing extends access to seasonal produce but unlike some methods, freezing conserves the original taste without […]


Freezing Food: Supplies and Equipment

Freezing is one of the fastest and easiest ways to preserve foods at home. Using the right supplies and equipment to freeze will help maintain the nutritional value and quality of your food. Freezing helps to slow natural chemical reactions that lead to nutrient, flavor, and color degradation in fresh […]


Freezing Food: Reducing Food Waste

It is estimated that one-third of all food produced in the world is wasted. In the U.S. alone, we lose 30-40% of our food supply along the food chain. This represents a major financial cost as well as a loss of natural resources. Twenty-five percent of the country’s fresh water […]