Tag: diet


Vegan Meal Planning

People who follow a vegan diet can get all of the required nutrients and meet their caloric needs each day by doing some research and planning meals ahead of time.  Consider these meal and snack ideas to get you started. Breakfast ideas: Oatmeal made with ½ cup oats, topped with […]


Understanding Vegan Diets

Vegans eat only plant foods, and these include fruits, vegetables, legumes (dried beans, peas, and lentils), grains, seeds and nuts.  People who follow a vegan diet do not eat any animal products or animal bi-products, including eggs, dairy products and meat.  It is important for people who follow a vegan […]


Tips for Choosing Weight Loss Diets or Products

Diets come and go, and there will always be a “new” and “popular” diet that gains media attention. While some diets can be effective in weight loss and overall healthier eating, it is important to evaluate any new diet before trying it to avoid potentially harming your body. Evaluating a […]